Project Details
Project Description
DUTERIMBERE ONG supports her beneficiaries in Gakenke District to participate in the open Day event where they show case the income generating activities they do and how this has impacted on them on economic empowerment and their active involvement in contributing to improved livelihoods at Household, Community and National levels.
DUTERIMBERE ONG in partnership with Oxfam has supported cooperatives and individual farmers in all regions of Rwanda to engage in horticulture farming (Pineapple, Passion fruit, tamarillo and Strawberry) as a business and linked farmers to Small and medium enterprises (Markets) for their produce. The above couple (Mr & Mrs Ntamugabumwe Emmanuel) has benefitted from the used approaches called Gender Action Learning System (GALS), in this approach the couple has learnt how to dialogue then plan household activities together, implement until they have realized harvest and even transparence in spending the earning. This has created harmony and ensured gender equity. From the Pineapple farming, the couple decided to buy a cow at a cost of Rfw 300,000 (Equivalent to USD 280) to be able to diversify their economic activities, Get manure for the pineapple farm and milk for their 4 Children. This approach of GALS has been integrated in all the on-going projects and so far covered 1946 Beneficiaries (1397 women and 549 men).