DUTERIMBERE ONG is a national Non Governmental Organization (NGO) working in Rwanda to empower women towards eradication of poverty. The organization was founded in 1987 with 29 women who wanted to add value to women activities by demonstrating their roles and capabilities in development. The organization is currently owned by 880 members drawn across 5 provinces from 11 former districts before decentralization. These former districts are Huye, Karongi, Kigali, Gicumbi, Muhanga, Musanze, Nyagatare, Nyamagabe, Rubavu, Rusizi and Rwamagana. Our governance structure has a general assembly of 880 members top on leadership hierarchy. The general assembly has decentralized representation drawn from 11 former districts before decentralization. The general assembly elects the Executive committee (board of 16 of directors) led by an elected chairperson to manage the organization’s strategic and policy issues. There is also a board of internal auditors (3 members) in the structure who are tasked to oversee and control day to day organization operations. The Conflict management commission of 3 members is also in place to manage internal conflicts The Executive secretariat composed of competent Executive Director and programme staffs are tasked with conception, planning, implementation and evaluation of field projects. Our work is people focused, relevant to local needs, sensitive to environmental context and offers pragmatic solutions to eradicate poverty. We make a difference through our work in form of demonstration of viable options, share best practices and influence change to beneficiaries and other stakeholders.
Our Approach to Development
We prioritize vulnerable and resource poor women and other vulnerable groups like children, people living with HIV/AIDS and people with disabilities to be at the centre of our approach. We examine use of new techniques and knowledge as means of development. Therefore we value action research, training and practice of new skills and knowledge. We also advocate for beneficiary understanding of new systems in local context, access to finance and collective accumulation of resources as appropriate and best strategies to eradicate poverty in the communities.
Our Development Partners
At Duterimbere we believe in working with others to achieve enormous impact. We engage with the grass root communities, the Government at district level, Government Ministries and line agencies, other local NGO’s, private sector, international NGO’s and donors. Our current donors include Oxfam, UMUBANO de la Province de Flandre Orientale, Save the Children, Belgium Embassy and International Alert.
Our Focus
Our work in Rwanda is concentrated around three goals of creating employment through SME’s, enhancing food security, access to appropriate energy resources, horticultural development through planting materials, reducing disaster risks and cross cutting issues like peace building, conflict management, gender and HIV/AIDS. Our programmes target mainly vulnerable and resource poor women in Eastern, Northern, Southern, and Western provinces in Rwanda and the Urban poor women in Kigali City.