Strengthening of climate resilience and food security of smallholders

Project Details

Project Description

“Strengthening of climate resilience and food security of smallholders in the
districts Nyagatare, Nyamagabe and Muhanga, Rwanda” that is being implemented by
DUTERIMBERE ONG in partnership with OXFAM GERMANY has carried out trainings on
balanced diet among the beneficiaries. This training introduced the meaning of balanced diet to
the target beneficiaries and emphasized on the importance of using fruits and vegetables to
make a balanced diet complete. The training also covered the importance of healthy diet to
human body, description of the main food groups, the role of fruits and vegetables in a healthy
diet, the healthy eating pyramids and as well the Diet and related diseases (description,
symptoms and prevention).The trainer Mr. DUSENGIMANA Gratien (Accredited nutritionist
of Nemba Hospital in Northern region of Rwanda) facilitated the trainings in both theory and
practical sessions where beneficiaries guided on how to prepare the balanced diet using locally
available foods. All together, 637 out of 720 beneficiaries have benefited from these trainings,
the households of these 637 beneficiaries have also benefited.