Project Details
Project Description
DUTERIMBERE ONG supports farmer cooperatives in a project
“Strengthening of climate resilience and food security of smallholders in the districts Nyagatare, Nyamagabe and Muhanga, Rwanda“.
In this project, farmers are trained and supported in rain water harvesting technologies to enable continuity of farming activities even in Rwanda’s Agriculture season C (Dry season) of June to September and hence increasing their agricultural income. Also the purpose of this activity is to increase the quantity of rain water retained and used in Agriculture production activities. The collected water is intended to be used exclusively for the irrigation of model farms in order to increase fruits/vegetable production for farmers. The project uses a Participatory Approach whereby beneficiaries are involved in the installation of these ponds by contributing their own labour during digging of the ponds and doing all non-technical activities required during installation; they will also contribute land (part of the model farms) and for those without enough land, Duterimbere ONG engages with Government authorities especially sector leaders to offer land for these farmers for a period of time until they no longer utilize the land.